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Shop Update and Home Inspiration

So last I posted, I had listed my first print on Etsy. And it sold! 


So very excited and have been working like crazy on some new designs I've been so inspired. Selling the first one really gave me some confidence that people appreciate the same kind of art that I do :-) I've decided that most of the prints in the shop from now on will be 11x17 in size instead of 8.5x11. I feel like the new designs are better suited for a bigger canvas. Can't wait to share the new art! I will be re-listing the print above, the SOLD is a bit dramatic.

And I thought I would share some cool home inspiration photos that I have been hoarding on my phone. Enjoy.....

*(it's dreamy but its also members only :-( I guess I'm not surprised, I wouldn't want just any old weirdo in those digs!)

I hope you've enjoyed this little jaunt through some home decor inspiration photos aka iPhone photo hoards. Until next time!

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